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Photo Restoration

Old Photo.jpg
Old Photo restored.jpg

Coolbawn Cross Photography offers a complete retouching and printing service.  Breathe life into old, worn or damaged prints and have them printed and framed to your exact specifications.  Alternatively digital only images may be supplied.  Feel free to get in touch for a quote under no obligation.  Please note the best results will be had from the original print but if you have a digital only copy please make sure to send it by email rather than Facebook/Text message etc. as it will be a higher resolution file. Alternatively you may use the file uploader here

Coolbawn Cross Photography offers a complete retouching and printing service.  Breather life into old, worn or damaged prints and have them printed and framed to your exact specifications.  Alternatively digital only images may be supplied.  Feel free to get in touch for a quote under no obligation.  Please note the best results will be had from the original print but if you have a digital only copy please make sure to send it by email rather than Facebook/Text message etc. as it will be a higher resolution file. 

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