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Framed Prints
All prints from Coolbawn Cross are hand created in high quality wooden frames with a depth of 40mm.  It is worth noting that these are premium frames as opposed to cheaper mass produced items usually made from resin/plastic.
All prints are signed and have a rear label (below) explaining the concept behind Coolbawn Cross.
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Print Only

Print Only means your photo will arrive in a quality mount with rigid backing board and rear label as shown above. These are a very cost effective item to post and make an ideal gift allowing the recipient to choose their own frame.

Canvas Prints.
All canvas prints are produced in house on 100% cotton canvas and using only original Epson inks to ensure the vibrancy and longevity of the photograph.  If you don't see the size you would like simply give me a call and it should be possible to meet your requirements. 
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Framed Canvas Prints.
A framed canvas print makes an ideal gift for a special occasion or as a feature in your house.  These are produced to your specific requirements and are therefore not available through the online shop.  Please feel free to call for more information

The Coolbawn Cross Seal

All framed prints come with the Coolbawn Cross Seal - using old style sealing wax and an antique stamp found in the old post office.

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